Saturday, January 18, 2014

Flow = Grow

Most of you know that in September 2013 our littlest member of the family, LindyAnn (Gemmie), had open-heart surgery when she was one week old. During our stay at Vanderbilt, LindyAnn's heart surgeon constantly repeated this phrase: flow equals grow. What he meant is this- in order for her body to grow, LindyAnn's heart must have proper blood-flow. If the flow isn't there, the growing isn't going to happen.

When we began talking about starting a blog and facebook page for moms we really hashed over what we wanted the purpose of A Baker's Dozen to be. We want A Baker's Dozen to be a place where you can be real, where you can share. A place where we can laugh and be refreshed, a place where we can challenge one-another and be inspired, a place where we can share problems, tips and solutions. A place where you are affirmed in your role as a mom. A place where you can grow. We want A Baker's Dozen to fill a real need.  

Flow equals grow. It applies to the spiritual and emotional realm as well as the physical. We want this to be a place where we can grow together in all three areas. Because the truth is, we all have struggles that go way beyond planning meals and sorting laundry. These things are important! We want to be able to manage our homes efficiently. We all have an ideal image of the sort of mom we want to be. But I think we would all agree that the physical (taking care of our bodies, managing our homes, etc.), is not the most important. We also need to be challenged and inspired- we need to grow- emotionally and spirtitually! So, as we launch out into this new endeavor to provide a platform for mutal sharing and encouragement, we want to keep this phrase in the forefront of our minds: flow equals grow.

We have an extra large family! There are a lot of experiences and challenges in a large family that smaller families may not fully grasp. So, while we have a special place in our heart for the young families just starting out and all the moms in every stage of life, we also have a growing awareness of the need for a support group for moms of large families. We want moms of large families to know that this is a place where you can share your family's ups and downs with other people who "get it", and to be able to share your experience with younger moms who look up to you. We want to encourage you to give to younger moms by sharing from your life...this is one of the ways we keep on growing.

So, we don't want this to be page where you simply come to read what we have to say and then go on. We want to hear your side of the story. We want to start a conversation. We want interaction on this blog, and on our facebook page- not so that the pages are "successful", but so that WE AS FAMILIES are benefitting, growing and being successful. So please, share your stories, share your thoughts, share your hearts.

"So lets not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up." Galatians 6:9 (NLT)
"I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished..." Phillipians 1:6 (NLT)  

What are your thoughts about the purpose of A Baker's Dozen?

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